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ELITE Leadership Academy

“Empowering Leaders in Training & Education”
Building Tomorrow's Leaders Today


To engage a diverse network of lawyers with the knowledge, skills and values to provide leadership to their profession, their communities and to further the cause of the Seventh Amendment.


Applicants must:

1) Be an ALAJ member in good standing;

2) Be an active member of the Emerging Leaders or practicing 15 years or less;

3) Be in good standing with the Alabama State Bar;

4) Submit application, letter(s) of recommendation and color photo;

5) Submit ½ of program fee upon acceptance to program.


All applications, including scholarship applications, must be received by December 1, 2024. No extensions will be granted. The program will begin January 1, 2025 , and will continue until December 31, 2025.

1) Color Photo ID;

2) Letter(s) of Recommendation (at least one from a current ALAJ member, two letters maximum);

3) The application form, completed and signed by you and your employer if applicable.

Selection Process

Applications will be screened by a committee of ALAJ Officers and Co-Chaired by the ALAJ 1st Vice President, the CEO, EL President and an ALAJ Past President. The committee will consider all applications equally and diversity of the body is a desired outcome. The inaugural program will include a minimum of ten participants.


The total tuition cost of the ALAJ Elite Leadership Academy is $750.00. ALAJ will consider scholarships on a case by case basis as needed. Additional travel, housing and workshop costs may also be incurred during the program that will be the responsibility of the participant or their firm.


The following must be achieved in order to complete the ALAJ Elite Leadership Academy. Each aspect of the curriculum is the responsibility of the program participant and completing requirements must be reported to the CEO. If any aspect is not completed, the participant has one year from the end of their program to complete the missing curriculum. Upon completion, the participant will receive graduation materials.

Lobby Days (three required)

Participants will spend a day with the ALAJ lobby team and leadership as they work to protect the 7th Amendment in the Alabama Legislature. Lobby days will be available Tuesday – Thursday during the Regular Legislative Session and must be coordinated with ALAJ. The 2023 Legislative Session will commence on March 7, 2023, and will continue for a maximum of 105 calendar days. Participation in Bill Reading Day on Wednesday, March 8th is mandatory. Participation in two other legislative special events is required.

Journal Article

All participants are required to submit one article for the ALAJ Journal – published twice per year. The subject of the article will be created at the direction of ALAJ and is subject to the Editorial Board of the ALAJ Journal. Collaboration with a member of your firm is permitted. Publication is not required for completion of curriculum.


Must attend the 3-hour program on March 7th and the social immediately after. Overnight stay is suggested but not mandatory since Bill Reading Day is March 8th is also a mandatory event.

Attendance at ALAJ Programs & Events

Must attend either the Winter Summit or the Annual Convention. ALAJ sponsors a myriad of in person and online CLE programs. In addition to attending either the Winter Summit or the Annual Convention, participants must attend a minimum one other in-person CLE program and two virtual or seminar webs. ALAJ will offer a 1-hour program that is mandatory at the Winter Summer and the Annual Convention. Must attend two ALAJ social events.

Personal meeting with ALAJ FELLOW (two required)

ALAJ FELLOWS provide high quality offerings and crucial support of ALAJ. The meeting can be as simple as coffee or as extensive as a firm presentation.

TRIAL Drive participation

Work to support the Association’s PAC, the Trust Representing Involved Alabama Lawyers (TRIAL). Participants must make a one-time donation to TRIAL as well as participating in a TRIAL drive.

Participation in ACJF IOLTA Program

The Alabama Civil Justice Foundation is the official charitable organization of ALAJ. Each member of the Bar can direct their IOLTA funds. Completion of requirement will be satisfied by participation in ACJF.

Meeting with Participant’s State Senator and State Representative

Members are asked to reach out to their elected officials and create a personal relationship with those tasked to make the laws in our state.

Outreach to Lawyer Legislator

Lawyers who serve in the Alabama Legislature face challenges unique to their profession. Their service provides crucial leadership to all members of legislature and deserves recognition.

Exit Interview

The ALAJ CEO or other designated ALAJ officer as designated by the CEO will conduct a short exit interview via in-person or on zoom with each graduate to examine each year’s program offerings.

ELITE Leadership Academy Application

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